Diary of a cursed woman!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hello All, been a while since my last post. My excuse this time is our big move coming up very fast. We are trying to get all boxes moved over to the new house so that come moving day, all people have to do is help with the heavy furniture. Kitchen is all moved over and everything in cupboards which was a big step. Wont have to worry about broken dishes, which is nice! I have been working on the weekends for my Sister Lindsays Mom at the St. Jacobs farmers market, for some extra cash. It has helped us buy our new sectional.! Cant wait until we get it. I am still not back to work yet but I do have a date with the surgeon now. May 24th I find out whether surgery is the answer or not. I needto get back to work to be able to afford all the new things I want for our new place. Like I said hopefully next Christmas I can host the annual get together. Plenty enough room!
Well thats all I know for now! Hope everyone is well..............